Why dont we have MarketMilk!?


Legendary member
Been roving around the various non-T2W fora.

Babypips has this thing called MarletMilk.
Looks really clever.

It has a currency strength meter, not unlike NVPs.
Has bearish/bullish metrics for stuff.
Really neat.

Why doesn't T2W have such bling?
I think you mean MarketMilk (https://marketmilk.babypips.com) - yes, looks like a snazzy visual overview. Thanks for the suggestion.

Something like that would require quite a bit of technical work and then only appeal to the FX traders, of course you could do something similar covering other markets. Right now, I've got no plans on building out extra functionality on the site. That's not to say there can't be some new shiny features on the site to attract new members, but I'd rather focus my somewhat limited time and resource on the core community functionality and the long overdue housekeeping needed.