But here's the thing...when in a trade it is common to experience discomfort and the body communicates that to our brains, resulting in the all too common response to ending that discomfort...by exiting the trade early. (Our bodys react to perceived dangers by preparing to 'Fight or Flee.' )
In trading a lower strike rate system/methodology there are naturally more losing trades and crucially more consecutive losing trades. Our brains remember past losses and irrationally place more emhasis on them than the winners, resulting in it fearing more losses to come. It's mechanism to protect us from this discomfort is to secrete adrenaline and noradrenaline (which comes from the adrenal glands above the kidneys.) The release of these hormones results in the body increasing the flow of fatty sugars through the liver which causes the feelings of discomfort resulting in a much decreased ability to make objective judegements. To put it another way;
'..Your Neo-Cortex (the thinking part of your brain) shuts down and the survival mechanism in the middle and lower more primitive parts of the brain take over. As a result you can react to things and stop thinking things through rationally. Basic emotions like fear and anger take over from more complicated sophisticated higher function emotions.'
So our ability to adhere to strict risk:reward ratios necessary to ensure overall net profitability with a lower strike rate system is severely impaired with the greater number of losses and consecutive losses with this type of trading system. The greater the consecutive run of losses the greater the impairment, and again, crucially, the less experience/understanding one has of this, the greater the discomfort one might experience resulting in non-adherence with the critical risk:reward ratio.
Further to this, such a consecutive run of losing trades can also interfere with the ability to actually place the next trade when the trading edge presents itself, fearfull of further losses, thus interfering with the natural flow of probability upon which all trading edges rely.
Physical discomfort and Fear are powerful debilitating factors on the ability to profit from a trading edge.
The only effective solution in helping to overcome these potential neurological and physiological barriers, available to inexperienced trader is to seek a trading edge that has a high strike rate over any sample of set-ups. This trading system/methodology achieves that.