This is also my final conclusion. This Darwin has nothing to do with others. It's not the same category at all. Those who do not see it are blinded by their ancestral beliefs. I spoke with him in private again and what he says is exactly what he does. Whether this will continue is indicated by the fact that it has one of the lowest var of all existing darwins. When I see everyone else still fighting in the financial markets even though he settled this in 10 days, it's really funny. Those who attacked him closed their mouths as if by magic, by the way! I can't wait to see the darwin pdc evolve again in january and I'm happy to not have invested in the others because they are almost all diving. The darwin pdc maintains a level of very high statistics of which they were announced before. it is even more impressive exactly because it was announced before. The short track-record is counterbalanced byt the very low value at risk of Darwinex. I believe it all stems from the fact that the pips extracted are pure. It's written on the package. Great concept!