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Platform issues


Active member

I thought could be a good idea to have a reference to share questions, issues, news, etc, regarding the Darwinex platform. In general, I think the platform is good: Goodlooking, easy to navigate, complete information, intuitive.

Some days ago is repeating a strange behaviour, when I enter to any page of any Darwin I see the page empty:

Just doesn't work :(

I tryied to delete cookies, etc on my navigator, nothing works. Is kind of annoying. Have you ever experienced this error?

I've send an email to the support guys. Let's see what do they say. If you are interested I'll share their answer.
Hey! Just an update, I said I would report here the answer coming from the support guys regarding the issue. Very politely on monday said the views were back. No explanations about the cause or anything else.
Well, they are very polite guys
Hey! Just an update, I said I would report here the answer coming from the support guys regarding the issue. Very politely on monday said the views were back. No explanations about the cause or anything else.
Well, they are very polite guys
The tech. support is nowhere near as good as it used to be. In earlier times detailed replies were given from the technical guys (or gals) who had a good understanding of the questions from clients.
Nowadays there seems to be another lower layer of support who, how can I put this, they just don't know very much!
Feedback and support was good when their priority was improving the product.
Now their priority is to make more money with the existing product.
Today "Latest" filter is not available.
Happens often in the first part of the week, like the overlapping that sums the new darwins of two weeks.
New layout with less information:

1: the current total amount at Darwinex is not shown anymore - was the maximum exceeded? ;)
2: number of Darwins in a portfolio is not counted anymore