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Darwinex: Hall of Shame

Sorry,that was @Sterso7
@TrainerTXR : here you are.
But the fact is the top ten get allocated significantly. Near a half or a third of all AuM of Darwinex.
But 'old syte' data - were comms in the Darwins are worse (and Darwinex itself pay much less) - can make a huge different. But would be a hell of work - respect to sterso7 for his efford

Maby they have an 'secret algo' to filter out 'one hit wonders' and/or lucky loosers (thats what I would do in their case).
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So DO they really invest or just paying the fee, if someone can make profit???

Since in the 'asset management' section i cannot see divergence&trade stats for darwinia invest, just for 'real investors'
They don't invest, they just make a notional allocation: (unfortunately not on my Darwin yet)

You see your prizes (fee) under 'performance fee' if you got some:
Another darwin where investors lost money.

Big claim about trading but now equity is less then $500 with VaR>90% and a crashed account.
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Few investors never want to book loss, hope for recovery but this is not stock market where DD recover mostly. It is always very difficult to recover a crashed trading account.