Spend an hour with this book everyday
I came across this book for the first time in 1996, when I was working for a Member of Bangalore Stock Exchange. The stock exchange had a good library and I used to take this particular book Reminiscences of Stock Operator and kept renewing it for over 2 years. I loved to read it over and over again. I have purchased a copy of the book and now read it atleast 2 or 3 times year.
I was a blind trader till 1996. I get an information from one of the trading colleagues from another brokerag on the floor of the stock exchange or from another rokerage house in Mumbai or Calcutta. Some worked, some did not. But after reading this book, it opened my mind to more creative ways in trading. I educated myself to different ways of approaching a trade. I got attracted more to the technical analysis than fundamental analysis. But I never ignored the fundamentals at any time. it took about 4-5 years to realise what are the Do's and Dont's that I should follow. Everything learned by experience, not from book.
I recommend this book to everyone and insist on owning a personal copy of the same. Its written in way that one can simply visualise it infront of us. We see things happening infront of us, as if watching a movie. Its not about moralising and ethicalising all that is happening in market. Its just about what a trader should be doing. It takes us to a world where powerful men moved the markets from behind the scenes, how their mind worked, how they studied the crowd, how scamsters operated and so on. In a world of no computers, internet and research houses, how they identified good trading and investment bets and profited from it;its worth spending atleast an hour with this book every day.