Recent content by timsk

  1. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    As an aside, this is a good opportunity to give those of you - e.g. c_v - some tips on how to distinguish between MSM propaganda and half decent journalism. This video is published by Times Radio, i.e. from The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers. They claim their content is: "Balanced...
  2. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    There's so much this man says that is provable nonsense - I'll just pick out his most extreme comment to highlight the insanity of his position. This one, perhaps: "They [Russia] are winning the war for 2.5 years, now they know they're going to lose this war" - an obvious oxymoron, but no...
  3. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    Is this is all you've got c_v - really? No counter argument, nothing left in the tank - just shooting the messenger and now this. The irony is that you couldn't even accuse me of being deluded directly because you can't back it up with a single shred of evidence - so you have to do it indirectly...
  4. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    R_L, We both know - indeed everyone knows - that his conviction has absolutely nothing to do with him being prevented from traveling. He's a thorn in the side of the U.S. administration - pointing out obvious truths - and they don't like it. Just like Julian Assange, his only 'crime' is to...
  5. timsk

    Climate Change

    “The Climate Scare Will Crumble Sooner Than You Expect”: An Interview With Climate: The Movie Producer Tom Nelson “You don’t have to be a climatologist. You don’t have to have a degree. Just an ordinary person who can read data and use Google and look at graphs – you can check all these alarming...
  6. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    Still attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. That's all you can do as your entire argument - flimsy as it was from the outset - now lies in tatters. Truly pathetic.
  7. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    "Unlike many Western politicians, Russian diplomats say what they mean. They are not ones to make idle, empty threats. Joe Biden and the NATO lackeys better pay attention to recent statements by two of Russia's leading diplomats."
  8. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    We are the closest to nuclear armageddon we've ever been. But the scariest part is that there's only a handful of people in the west who realise it - but they aren't the ones with the power to stop it. If the U.S. uses Atacms missiles to hit targets inside Russia - it's likely game over for...
  9. timsk

    Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

    Further to my last post immediately above this one - here's the excellent Dr. John Campbell and his take on the same story. Enjoy . . .
  10. timsk

    Climate Change

    How Britain’s Met Office works the 'Climate Change' racket; a look at the mechanics of the thing What does the Meteorological Office in London mean when they announce that temperatures are higher than average or above normal for the time of year?
  11. timsk

    Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

    BMJ Study Links Excess Deaths and Covid Vaccines – Telegraph Makes it Front Page News Who'd have thunk it - front page news on a major British broadsheet newspaper. Better late than never!
  12. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    The U.S. doesn't need to recruit 'Kremlin insiders' to work out what [Russian] leaders’ priorities are or what they’re trying to accomplish. All they have to do is listen to Putin's speeches. Needless to say, that's the very last thing the numbskulls in the Biden administration are gonna do -...
  13. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    . . . And therein lies the rub. NATO the organisation and its members know it's game over for them if Russia wins the war. And, for all intents and purposes, that has already happened and the Russians are just grinding it out in a way that minimises their own casualties. I may have mentioned...
  14. timsk

    Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

  15. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    Indeed At': those in the U.S. administration endorsing this policy are criminally insane - along with Cameron and BoJo here in the U.K.