T2W Forex Contest - Week T2W-AUG12

T2W Bot

Staff member
How to enter

Entry is free and takes just a couple of minutes. First, sign up on ForexDesk, using the invitation code "T2WCOMP" and your T2W username. Once you're activated your account, log in and create a new practice account using the default settings. You can call it whatever you like but you must add "#T2W-AUG12" to the name, to enter the new contest. Then make at least one trade during the duration of the competition to qualify for the prize.

More detailed instructions on the Contest information page.


- Contest started on Sunday 29th July 2012 22:00 UTC
- Contest finishes on Friday 31st August 2012 23:00 UTC
- Enter any time before the contest finishes.
- The winner will be judged by their P&L for the duration of the contest.
- Accounts must remain public (not private) for the duration of the contest.
- Mirroring of trades to retain first position lead is disallowed and may result in disqualification.
- To qualify for the prize contestants must open at least one position.
- Only entry per person
- Entrants must be members of T2W with a valid and current username (before they create their contest account).
- If you're outside the UK/US, we may offer you a cash equivalent prize instead, depending on how easy it is for us to ship the prizes and taking into consideration any import taxes you would be responsible for.


- Top Trader (Highest P&L)

The prize for this contest is a $150 of Trading Books or Equivalent.

Remember to add "#T2W-AUG12" to the account name.

Good Trading all!
C'mon T2W - your pricing/platform is shocking and implies you have a poor 'IT department' that is incapable of providing solutions. Again, filled prices are way off, prices freeze for long periods and positions/trades are not reflected 'instantaneously'. Are you all asleep at the wheel or maybe no-one is at home although the lights are on?
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