Opportunity to join a start-up fund.

I’ve been approached to help a start-up recruit traders for their FX fund. The originators aims are as follows:

To create a small test fund (5 figures) with originators own capital to test business model and traders ability by end of 2010.
After 6 months of successful operation open the fund to previously acquired 6, 7 & 8 figure investors.
Move towards full regulation as, when and if required.

To begin with this would be a performance based opportunity with you working from your own home/office. The fund creators are looking to have a close working relationship with the traders so ideally you’d be UK-based and able to meet on at least a monthly basis.

In order to do this they are looking for at least two traders to begin with. If you have the required ability and are looking for an opportunity to manage funds then please pm me with an intro and I’ll send you my email address. I’ll be looking for the following from you:

Your C.V.
A brief resume of your trading style/plan (before I get the usual forum bitching & moaning I only want to see that you actually have a plan and what your risk profile is, I’m not looking for you to hand over the full nuts & bolts of your trading style)
Full details of your track record. We’re only interested in your live trading record. Ideally this should be over the last 24-36 months.

We’re looking for solid sustainable results the can be delivered without too much downside. We’re not looking for one-hit wonders or salesmen!

Should you be called forward then there’ll be an interview process in London either in late October or November.

Admittedly this is not for everyone however this is an ideal opportunity for someone who’s been trading successfully to step towards trading greater funds.
test fund?
5 figures PER trader, or between ALL potential traders?

5 figures: thats anything between 10,000 and 99,999.

profit split details?

does it require full disclosure on trading rules? or is the risk/reward and overall returns sufficient?