Recent content by J Livermore

  1. J Livermore

    Best Thread Joke of the day

  2. J Livermore

    What are you reading now?

    I just recently finished reading a book on hiking called “High Peaks of the Northeast” by Bruce Scofield. It was written by a member of a hiking club for the New England and NY State areas. I learned a new word: Peakbagger. It means a person who has climbed all the mountains in a given region...
  3. J Livermore

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    I was once married to a cross-eyed woman. We didn’t see eye to eye. Also, she was seeing someone on the side.
  4. J Livermore

    Strategies for risk management

    Without knowing what type of trading you do, have you ever considered buying options? They limit your downside risk and you can’t lose more than what you pay for them. Even if you want to add some risk and use them for leverage. A number of years ago, I knew some people who were so worried...
  5. J Livermore

    What is your favorite asset to trade on, and why?!

    Do a number of countries have stock market averages that have an upward bias (over the long run) or is this something unique to the US?
  6. J Livermore

    You'll go to hell if you celebrate Halloween!

    Are you aware that slavery is ok with the bible ? A person who is ordained once told me there are at least three sections of the bible that say what the proper treatments of your slaves are. If you ask me, there should be passages that say slavery is forbidden.
  7. J Livermore

    TV Show Suggestions

    Hi Nowler ! Welcome back. Except for the news and game shows (ie: Jeopardy) I try to watch as little TV as possible. There is one show which I do watch from time to time and that’s called “Wicked Tuna” which is about Bluefin tuna fishing off the coast of New England. If you have ever gone...
  8. J Livermore

    Why the aversion to trading stocks?

    Chad, I meant it is more difficult to make a profit shorting an individual stock than it is to short an index future. The last time I shorted a stock, they were still trading in fractions and not decimals so maybe it’s easier these days with more short term volatility. Also keep in mind that...
  9. J Livermore

    Why the aversion to trading stocks?

    Hi Chad, I’ve thought about your question over a few days and some thoughts come to mind: Individual stocks are more difficult to trade on the short side than are stock index futures. Individual stocks are at much greater risk of adverse gaps. I’ve seen stocks gap down on the open by more...
  10. J Livermore

    Climate Change

    Hi Calinor, The way I see it, humanity will have nothing but benefits by lowering the world’s population. Check out my post from last year titled “What are the benefits of a smaller population?” It’s dated October 22 2021 in the Foyer section. Personally, I don’t think the world economy will...
  11. J Livermore

    UK Politics

    Hi BurrowK, I agree with you. Personally, I believe that most so-called politicians are cowards. If you have to have cash welfare for the poor, then it should pay higher amounts to those parents who have the fewest number of children. Poor people are not dumb. If you cut their money with each...
  12. J Livermore

    Best Thread Joke of the day

  13. J Livermore

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    Two guys were enjoying a warm, sunny day on the golf course and they were doing pretty well. As the day wore on they saw two women who were ahead of them on the next hole. This was a problem because the women were more interested in talking with each other than in playing, so they slowed the...
  14. J Livermore

    Where have you been Lord Flash?

    The Monty Python group thought they had found the holy grail but it turned out that Zoot had placed a grail shaped beacon in the tower of Castle Anthrax.
  15. J Livermore

    Free 2 Trade

    trench, You should be commended for getting back into the markets despite having a disability like that. I hope your trading will be profitable.