Recent content by Shivank

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    [DARWIN] KAJ by Shivank

    This was very eventful month, I missed the Darwinia by 2 ranks (at some point I was +2% and could have secured Darwinia prize if would have closed positions). Evenafter not winning Darwinia, I am happy that I made the right decision overcoming the greed and by not changing investing thesis. BIG...
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    [DARWIN] THA by finbou

    Recently THA's RS score increased significantly. How you guys look at it? Secondly, how does these fluctuations affect investors account as risk engine maintains Target risk at 6.5%. Does new trades realized into investors account?
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    [DARWIN] KAJ by Shivank

    KAJ has finally qualified for Darwinia Gold. The goal is to maintain disciplined trading. The major issue is investing in stocks through the Darwinex broker, as the holding period for these stocks spans several months, and swaps consume a significant portion of the profits. As a result, stocks...
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    [DARWIN] KAJ by Shivank

    Trading in 2023 was relatively good (after couple of failed attempts at Darwin). Managed to win one Darwinia (old edition) and got the "Good score" filter for first time and stayed just for brief period of time. Hopefully, will achieve it again. Looking forward to comments and critical...
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    Darwinex Zero

    Darwinex Zero will have payout monthly or every three months?
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    Darwinex Zero

    Does Darwinex zero consider the consistency rule? as in online calculator dont see the option for that.
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    [DARWIN] KAJ by Shivank

    Hello Traders, Throughout my trading journey, I've faced the common experience of burning through several accounts, amounting to around $1500. I believe many of you can relate to this struggle. As I delved deeper into the trading world, I encountered the term "investing the Hardway." This...
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    Darwinia contest

    Hi CV, If may I ask what your activity looks like on Darwinex as a trader/investor? You are still active or migrated to another platform?
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    Darwinia contest

    I wonder, why no other broker is coming up with a similar idea to Darwinex (Original vintage one that we all liked)? Probably ideal of old Darwinex was good but they didn't progress(profited) as quickly and as big so they changed the course and now became any other ordinary broker. I believe...
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    Darwinia contest

    Are these early signs of the closing of DarwinIA and will everything be subscription based as DarwinexZero in future?
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    Why Darwinex is not growing?

    IMO The traders and investors do not trust Darwinex as they were trusting and had faith in platform before 2020. They have tweaked several rules abruptly and unnecessarily. Additionally there are very few really good traders and many are on the way to becoming a good trader. There are lots of...
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    [DARWIN] PDC and VDC by Emanita & Pure Pip Producer

    Since I started trading (3 years) every December and January was unusual.
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    [DARWIN] PDC and VDC by Emanita & Pure Pip Producer

    Often trader feels so confident when equity curve goes up as if every trade will be in their favour. However, those traders disappears with small bumps and cant tolerate small down. I personally passed through that phase and at the end learned to be humble as I knew becoming trader is game of...
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    Darwinex Forum: Vision , Goals and Rules.

    Regarding this >>>>>>>>>If Darwinex is transparent they must release amount/return on AUM (in absolute term) earned/lost by Darwins instead of performance fees (Shall we all write to Darwinex and see how transparent they are???). <<<<<<<<<<<<<< I already wrote to Darwinex, but Ignacio come up...
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    Darwinex: Hall of Shame

    @CavaliereVerde Interesting. --- From my point of view SCS is also big crash, as I remember when this Darwin was introduced everyone was investing in it crazily... Now, in underlying strategy DD is ~80%!!! The darwin has lost huge amount because at peak it had an AUM of 1.5M and now DD of...