UK Politics

"Voting in this election is like being a staving man handed a hamper of food, only to open it up and find it's all rotten."
Very succinct and encapsulates beautifully the problem we all face and the reason why I suspect the turnout in July's election will be the lowest on record. Enjoy . . .

I don't agree with his smarty pants take on UK politics. Reform he says is the only chance of real change.

That'll be like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Apparently Brexit hasn't been done right so Reform and Nigel are the bodies to do it.

I disagree but as I might have mentioned before I would love Nigel to become PM and show us how it should be done just for the entertainment value. If he does get it right, then I'll eat humble pie. But I doubt it somehow. Last time the turncoat just simply left the scene.

Nigel Farage reminds me of Tony Benn another politician who talked a lot which sounded like common sense but was full of p!ss poor ideas which have been relegated to confines of history. I must be living my second life. :ROFLMAO:
I'll be voting Reform at this election. I'd like to see them get so many votes that it scares the Conservative Party into reforming itself urgently and effectively. Then I can vote Conservative again in 2029.
. . . I disagree but as I might have mentioned before I would love Nigel to become PM and show us how it should be done just for the entertainment value. If he does get it right, then I'll eat humble pie. But I doubt it somehow. Last time the turncoat just simply left the scene. . .
I'm inclined to agree At' in as much as I fear it's a case of talking a good talk but seriously question if Reform can walk the walk. But, they deserve a chance and will probably get my vote as the Tories have blown it for me - never voting for them again - and I've never voted labour in my life and see no reason to start now. Reform's manifesto does look good but, again, can they deliver?

Nigel Farage Launches Reform Manifesto With Pledges to Freeze Immigration, Leave the ECHR and Scrap Net Zero

These are the headline policies:
  • Migration: Freeze all non-essential immigration.
  • Stop the boats: Leave the ECHR, illegal migrants will be detained and deported, small boats will be picked up and taken back to France, set up new department for immigration.
  • NHS: Introduce tax relief of 20% on all private healthcare and insurance. All frontline NHS and social care staff would pay zero basic rate income tax for three years.
  • Tax: Lift the income tax threshold to £20,000 and the inheritance tax threshold to £2 million.
  • Going green: Scrap the Net Zero drive and green levies to bring down energy bills.
  • Spending: Save £5 in every £100 that the government spends.
  • International development: Cut foreign aid spending by 50 per cent to save £6 billion.
  • Businesses: Lift the VAT threshold to £150,000.
  • Education: Introduce a patriotic curriculum in primary and secondary schools. Ban transgender ideology in primary and secondary schools. Tax relief of 20% on all independent education.
  • Welfare: Enforce a two-strike rule for job seekers with benefits withdrawn from people who repeatedly turn down work.
I'm inclined to agree At' in as much as I fear it's a case of talking a good talk but seriously question if Reform can walk the walk. But, they deserve a chance and will probably get my vote as the Tories have blown it for me - never voting for them again - and I've never voted labour in my life and see no reason to start now. Reform's manifesto does look good but, again, can they deliver?

Nigel Farage Launches Reform Manifesto With Pledges to Freeze Immigration, Leave the ECHR and Scrap Net Zero

These are the headline policies:
  • Migration: Freeze all non-essential immigration.
  • Stop the boats: Leave the ECHR, illegal migrants will be detained and deported, small boats will be picked up and taken back to France, set up new department for immigration.
  • NHS: Introduce tax relief of 20% on all private healthcare and insurance. All frontline NHS and social care staff would pay zero basic rate income tax for three years.
  • Tax: Lift the income tax threshold to £20,000 and the inheritance tax threshold to £2 million.
  • Going green: Scrap the Net Zero drive and green levies to bring down energy bills.
  • Spending: Save £5 in every £100 that the government spends.
  • International development: Cut foreign aid spending by 50 per cent to save £6 billion.
  • Businesses: Lift the VAT threshold to £150,000.
  • Education: Introduce a patriotic curriculum in primary and secondary schools. Ban transgender ideology in primary and secondary schools. Tax relief of 20% on all independent education.
  • Welfare: Enforce a two-strike rule for job seekers with benefits withdrawn from people who repeatedly turn down work.

There are always pros and cons. There will be consequences to those ideas. Whilst I do like the sound of some of them, there isn't anything in there that tackles the challenges UK are facing. Migration is an issue along with ECHR that he has created. This was the man promoting the commonwealth to take on and replace the EU. Good luck with those.

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