Recent content by timsk

  1. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    . . . And therein lies the rub. NATO the organisation and its members know it's game over for them if Russia wins the war. And, for all intents and purposes, that has already happened and the Russians are just grinding it out in a way that minimises their own casualties. I may have mentioned...
  2. timsk

    Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

  3. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    Indeed At': those in the U.S. administration endorsing this policy are criminally insane - along with Cameron and BoJo here in the U.K.
  4. timsk

    UBS raises silver prices forecast. Here's the new target

    Link to your source please Johnsonsu!
  5. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    Trigger Warning: this is a Russell Brand video! For any of you who are not his No. 1 fans - here's a fantastic opportunity for you to see if you can rise above your prejudices and listen to the message and not shoot the messenger! Enjoy the truth bombs . . .
  6. timsk

    Climate Change

    BBC Blames Singapore Turbulence Incident on Climate Change A couple of btl comments go to the heart of the matter . . . Stewart writes: "Vague references to reports isn’t the result of laziness. It’s a very deliberate part of the climate change psyop strategy. The whole thing is nebulous, from...
  7. timsk

    What are you listening to now?

    Given that Mick Jagger will be 81 in July - I think he deserves our praise and admiration for his performance last month as seen in the vid'. Hat's off to you, Mick! Enjoy . . .
  8. timsk

    Ukraine invasion

    He'll almost certainly be gone by Christmas - if not before - and by the third anniversary of Russia's invasion at the very latest. Meanwhile, Putin and Russia go from strength to strength and the collective west are pooping their pants as there's sweet F.A. they can do about it. The Biden...
  9. timsk

    Climate Change

    Who profits exactly, from Net Zero..? ". . . The bottom line is that supporting the man made climate alarm is compulsory for anyone in publicly-funded education, arts and science establishments, who depend upon government or international organisations for their livelihoods. Any discoveries...
  10. timsk

    Climate Change

    “Twelve reasons I don’t believe there’s a climate emergency” In Mad World, Russell David explains why he’s a climate change sceptic. I concur with all twelve - he's spot on, IMO! "I’m not a scientist. But I have reasons why I don’t fully trust the ‘climate emergency’ narrative. Here they are...
  11. timsk

    Copper Bull Bull Bull

    Nice one TWI! (y) Will you continue to add as long as price continues to climb - and how will you determine when it's time to close the trade(s)?
  12. timsk

    Beyond Price Action

    Hi Steven, If you're referring to me - I never asked if you were serious. It's obvious to one and all that you're very serious! What I actually said was: "I don't doubt that having a sound understanding of statistics is likely to be helpful to all traders. That said, I presume you don't expect...
  13. timsk

    Climate Change

    Climate alarmists are fond of referencing 'The Science' which almost always means GIGO computer models to promote the illusion of imminent climate catastrophe. Meanwhile, the actual science - as in empirical real world data - shows there is no climate catastrophe . . . NOAA’s Latest Temperature...
  14. timsk

    Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

    I think you're in some sort of dystopian hellscape Tom that those evangelising the climate apocalypse have planned for us! ;)
  15. timsk

    Climate Change

    Climate Change is Driven by Changes in Orientation of Earth to Sun, Not Carbon Emissions, New Analysis of Berkeley Earth Data Shows Good btl comment by 'varmint': "Very extensive and well researched article. I have realised for a very long time though that trying to argue with people about...